Wake up, went to Bank of China. I thought we already create the account through the agency, the card can be use directly. But nope, we need to activate the account in BOC there. My friend have the money for school and accommodation there, he need to transfer it from USD to RMB. You have to put it USD in your BOC account, not RMB, the regulation stated it, but you could transfer RMB through Money Changer.
It said that my debit card, BCA, can used here, I'm gonna use it BCA Debit Card instead of my BOC, because more convenient for my parents to send the money, they just put it in my bank account in Jakarta, like they usually did when I was in college, and BCA can be found everywhere in Jakarta, than trusted money changer or BOC branch.
After BOC, lunch in Korean restaurant, then back to BLCU, had registration process. It was easy, just showing the JW 202 in the first floor, pay in the 2nd floor, then back to 1st floor to have the student card. :) Well, I have agency who process it, and it's not have long queue like I was imagined from reading many blog. I''m officially BLCU students.. My friend failed to register, since he had long term Admission Notice and he wanted to register the short term instead. Until today, he not yet finished the registration process.
On the evening, we shopped in local supermarket, buying snack, instant noodle, bathroom supplies, long john, laundry bag, etc. The funny story is we went dinner, just me and my friend, with BROKEN chinese language we order the chinese food. My friend order beer 啤酒,but they serve an alcohol drink with 59% alcohol. :) I think the server just got 酒. Beijing start snowing, :( it supposed to get warmer, but they're gone colder.
March 1st
Have Placement test today, feel so nervous, can't study well enough. Have placement test with bunch of korean, japanese, and the rest of class, just me, Indonesian, Italy, Mexico, and USA.
The teacher speak the chinese clearly, I can understand her speech, but chinese people, nope their word just gone to my brain without my brain processed them. I can do the written test, it's much easy, but the writting essay, reading and conversation, I failed throughly. She said she will gonna place me in B class. Wow.. From the written test, she said I qualified placed in B+class, with these broken chinese? I don't think so.
She directly process the test and said the result, but my friends not have the exact process with their placement test. One have the teacher have the conversation test in the middle of written test, other have the same things like mine, but the teacher not stated the result to her. I think I've got the nice one, since the Japanese who said 听不懂 more n more, are placed in B class.
Have big lunch in restaurant inside campus, no problem like yesterday, it's easy and delicious too. :)
After lunch, we went to register the internet, the places was closed for lunch, and I need to go the bathroom, back to CC, my room key can't be used, well, I didn't pay yet, they said they give us 3 days, the dateline was supposed to be tomorrow. We want to pay in Sunday, but they said they accepted the payment in Monday. We went to the receptionist, have the key activated and pay the entire accommodation for one semester.
Internet on, then we went to station, to create the transportation card. Had dinner in Korean BBQ restaurant, with broken chinese language, once more, we didn't get what we want. I need to improve my chinese language more.
The 6 month study in Jakarta, with 4 hours a week, just pinyin, not so much helping. Lucky, I learn the hanzi 汉字 myself and got the good score in written result. The result of placement day will be out in tuesday afternoon (today). Update soon.
For the internet access, I recommend you to use VPN, there are many selection in internet. If you want to know what I'm using, please message me or leave your email in the comment. :) I'm luck to have my friend who already studied in Shanghai, she know what program we have to used.
I was so disappointed not brave enough to go to China from Sept, known one friend who already study from Sept from the beginning, he already speak fluently now. I could be him, well enjoy the moment now.
got here coincidently, wish you like my hometown, enjoy your stay.